Renewables & Battery Storage

Renewables & Grid

„Energy 4.0“ – shape the energy transformation to a greener and safer future.

We have a strong technical background in energy and infrastructure development. We understand grids and systems and support our partners in optimizing existing assets or create new disruptive solutions to overcome fossil-based energy generation.

Renewables & Smart Grid

The grid is the lifeline between all prosumers and plays a very important role concerning the transformation towards an optimized energy distribution. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to digitize all parts and processes embedded in and connected to the grid, so that machines are able to communicate to one another autonomously. Utilizing techniques like operating envelopes promise more transparency and higher data quality for energy generation and consumption. However, managing the additional information flow of such a grid is a complex problem. A lot of effort is currently put into developing frameworks to produce solutions. We help with transferring existing solutions as well as connecting different stakeholders to work together on establishing common frameworks. 

Here we see a lot of potential for progress, but businesses and policy makers have to support this transformation in any way possible to enable an intelligent energy transformation towards more renewables and smart grids. With our holistic approach we always try to include important stake holders like local communities, states and national governments from the beginning of each project. Supporting them in designing energy regulations or implementation plans, are some of the most important, but also most challenging parts of our work.

Grid Expansion and Integration of Distributed Energy Resources

Preparing the grid for the demands of increased renewable energy production is not as simple as digging some holes and setting up posts for new powerlines. One needs to guarantee that both distribution and transmission grid offer a stable energy supply and avoid congestions or even blackouts. Adding grid-storage capabilities and managing their behaviour is one of the major areas of activities necessary to prepare our energy networks for the future. Capacities and response times of vehicle-to-grid, battery parks or hydrogen production all need to be managed in the most effective way as to guarantee stability and efficiency. This will be especially important for the ability of rural areas to enhance and secure their renewable energy generation and reduce the risk of black outs caused by grid outages or instabilities. 

The introduction of prosumers into these scenarios raises the need to change the traditional ways of how households are seen. From a passive and receiving entity they can now actively participate in the production and storage of energy and hence have to be included as partners by the distribution network service providers (DNSPs) in the efforts of optimizing the grid. 

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