Innovation Management

Innovation Scouting & Development

Solutions & Services for Industry and Academia

From creating an idea to a successful business venture, we can support you along the way. Whether you need to find the right solution for a problem you are facing, or the right partner to work with, we connect you and support your efforts. Our ties and experience within the energy sector as well as the academic world allow us to understand your problems and guarantee your success.

Matchmaking & Information Brokerage

Collaborative work becomes more and more important, whether between industry sectors, across the industry-science divide or different research fields inside academia. Success is often hindered by a lack of communication between collaborators or knowledge about one's partners expertise. Our expertise and network allow us to help you bridge this gap to find the right partners who match your focus. Together we will develop successful project proposals and bring stakeholders to the table to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Project Management

You already have a running project, or your idea is ready for implementation? We seamlessly integrate our support into your organisation and relieve your team from workload. We identify and refine valuable information, manage communication flows, automate workflows where possible. 

Project Design

Having extended experience in industry and academia we recognize unused potential and possibilities for collaboration and joint efforts. To use this advantage, we implemented a culture of internal project pitching at IET. This means we also realize projects which originated within our own organisation. As we would do for others, we find partners in our network, bring stakeholders to the table and setup a proper project management structure for the implementation. 

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