Welcome to IET

"Transforming potential into momentum"

At Intelligent Energy Transformation GmbH, we combine long standing experience within the German energy sector with a deep background in the academic research world. We believe that this combination is ideal to foster an environment where innovative ideas are created and promoted towards successful business ventures.  With offices in Australia and Germany we also understand ourselves as contributors to the evolving energy partnership between the two countries. 

What we offer


Scouting & Development

From creating an idea to a successful business venture, we can support you along the way. Whether you need to find the right solution for a problem you are facing, or the right partner to work with, we connect you and support your efforts. Our ties and experience within the energy sector as well as the academic world allow us to understand your problems and guarantee your success. 

Renewables & Grid Know-How

We have a strong technical background in energy and infrastructure development. We understand grids and systems and support our partners in optimizing existing assets or create new disruptive solutions to overcome fossil-based energy generation. 

Digital Hydrogen

We believe that green hydrogen plays an important role in transforming our energy landscape towards a more sustainable and environment friendly one. This is why we and our partners offer know-how and capabilities to drive the change and support the setup of a globally connected digital hydrogen businesses.

How and why, we do things

About us

Every journey is guided by an understanding of the where-to and the why-to-go-there. At IET we realize that the 21st century holds many challenges. Prominent ones coming from the multi-facetted problem of shifting towards clean energy generation. 

We believe that the most successful approach is the use of creative minds coming together in a fostering and respectful environment. Assisted by modern tools, this will allow their potential to drive the momentum for the necessary innovation.

Sustainable Work

At IET we guarantee that there is always enough time to discuss and focus on the professional and personal development of every team member. We are on a journey, and we are on this journey together. We think that our common spirit has to be cherished and cultivated continuously. 

With this in mind, we believe that all members of our team should be able to answer the following questions positively. 

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